The Huguenots were French Protestants who after much persecution left their homeland to begin again in another country. About 200,000 Huguenots left France, settling in non-Catholic Europe - the Netherlands, Germany, especially Prussia, Switzerland, Scandinavia, and even as far as Russia where Huguenot craftsmen could find customers at the court of the Czars. The Dutch East India Company sent a few hundred to the Cape to develop the vineyards in southern Africa. About 50,000 came to England, with perhaps 10,000 moving on to Ireland. So there are many inhabitants of these islands who have Huguenot blood in their veins.
The book is primarily a history of the Huguenots who left their homeland in search of a new life but it also includes many details taken from a number of Huguenot family records some of which have never before been published until now.
It is 500 years since the Reformation and this book celebrates this fact. 2nd edition paperback and ebook DUE TO BE PUBLISHED 14 July 2020